To order an ODONATA GEAR product, select the desired items and add them to your cart by clicking on the "Add to cart" button. You may access your cart by clicking on the associated icon located at the top right corner of the page.
From the cart page, finalize your purchase by selecting your shipping destination below the cart subtotal. Shipping is automatically calculated based on your country and the order subtotal. Shipping to all destinations is offered at no cost for orders of 200 Euros or more. Confirm your order total and click the "Checkout" button.
Payments made on the odonata-gear.com website are handled securely by our payment partner. This payment solution complies with French and international interbank security measures. All credit card and delivery address data entered is fully encrypted using SSL technology. To mitigate fraud, the 3D Secure (3DS) verification protocol may be activated. In most cases, this verification system will send you an SMS or a notification on your bank's mobile application in order to validate payment.
If you have any questions about ordering, feel free to drop us a message.